Digital Parenting
Today our children have an amazing opportunity to learn, create and communicate through the use of technology. It is important that we as parents are confident in our understanding of digital devices, apps, games, and their ability to help guide our children at every age to ensure a positive online experience.We have created a special workshop “How to Be an awesome Digital Parent”. The workshop is designed to teach parents and other caregivers to confidently navigate the web with their kids.
Workshop Content
Parents will gain a strong understanding of the risks, harms and rewards that come with their child being online. The interaction will be focused upon identifying risks and address ways to mitigate the harms so that parents and children can have an awesome online experience.
Parents will learn the Steps to Awesome Digital Parenting and leave the workshop with an effective strategy for managing their child’s online life. They will also receive information about family online safety and knowledge of where they can go to find additional resources.
Methodology and Process
Each workshop is customized to the participants, we send in a pre workshop assessment form with is a must for each participant to fill in, based on which we create a module. The duration and structure of the modules as per the requirement and availability of the participants.
Book Your Workshop