While these methods are beneficial, we must not forget that we need to be utmost careful in using them. The e-commerce platforms take due precautions and necessary steps while on-boarding only authentic sellers, but wicked ones always find loopholes and start selling fake and substandard products on the e-commerce platforms. People also get defrauded by the fake and exactly similar websites of registered educational institutions. We do not discourage anyone to buy online or rely on online mediums as one may always get cheated for counterfeited products and fake degrees in the real world as well. We only urge to keep your senses strong and be vigilant while dealing in the virtual world.
While you shop online, always remember:
- Never fall for huge discounts, offers or cashbacks on the products, immediately.
- Always check the reviews of certified buyers and ratings on the products given by them.
- Check the return and refund policies of the sellers properly.
- Go through the product details and descriptions like brand, logo as per specification, trademark etc. carefully as the fake products are copied perfectly.
- Match the products which you intend to buy from the website of the manufacturer directly, if possible.
- While receiving the products you ordered, check them again, and if you feel the product is not appropriate or up to the mark, please return the same and report the reason on the
- website of the e-commerce platform as well as the seller.
To keep yourself safe from being deceived, your mind must bear:
- If you encounter any such scheme which is offering you marksheet without examination, or immediately, or in less time frame than usually expected time, then get alarmed, there is something suspicious.
- Check the background and registration of the institute.
- Check by simply typing the name of the institute in Google and hundreds of links giving reviews and news items will appear on the authenticity of the institute.
- Check the list issued by various boards and UGC frequently pointing out the fake institutions.
- If you find any e-pharmacy app or telemedicine advertising any drugs on radio, tv, newspaper or any other medium, please get alerted as it is prohibited.
- Check if the online seller is genuine and registered with the regulatory authority.
- Match your drugs with the prescription, when you receive the consignment, to ensure if the drugs sent are those only, which have been prescribed.
- If you have received your delivery late and you feel the medicines are not in their best conditions, then do not compromise, think again, it is your health at stake, return the products, as mishandling of drugs on the route or exposure to sunlight may have caused them substantial damage.